NPRG062 Introduction
to Algorithms (winter 2020-21)
Instructor: Adam Dingle
This course is a fast-paced introduction to
fundamental algorithms, algorithmic complexity, and data structures,.
Lectures and other meetings
The weekly lecture
for this class takes place every Wednesday
from 10:40
- 12:10.
The first lecture will be on Wednesday,
September 30.
There is also a
tutorial every Wednesday from 13:10
– 14:10. In the
tutorial sessions we will solve various exercises together. The
first tutorial will be on Wednesday, September
For at least the month of October, all lectures and tutorials will
take place on Zoom.
This course includes both a pass/fail credit
and a graded final exam.
To receive the credit, you must fulfill the
following requirements:
Complete a number of homework assignments
through the semester. You must earn at least 70% of
the total possible points. Any points that you earn over 85%
(up to a maximum of 15%) will be
applied as bonus points to your exam score when you take the exam.
Regularly attend
the lectures and tutorials and participate in class.
You must complete the credit before you can
enroll for the exam. The final exam includes both a written part
and an oral part. The grade for the exam is based on both parts.
The Miller text is available online (see the link
above). There are many copies of the Cormen text in the MFF library
on the first floor.
This is a rough map of the ground we plan to cover
in this class.
To access any of the videos below, use our Zoom
meeting ID and passcode (not your CAS login) as the
- September 30 (lecture
video) (notes)
Course overview. Mathematical terminology. Powers of two and ten.
Logarithms. Divisibility. Quotient and remainder. Converting to
hours, minutes and seconds.
October 7 (lecture
video) (notes)
Decimal representation. Splitting an integer into digits. Joining
digits to form an integer. Numbers in different bases. Converting
between bases. Prime numbers. Primality testing using trial
October 14 (lecture
video) (notes)
The fundamental theorem of arithmetic. Prime factorization. Limits.
Big-O notation. Analyzing a program's running time. Worst-case and
best-case analysis. Greatest common divisor. Euclid's algorithm.
Least common multiple.
October 21 (lecture
video) (notes)
The sieve of Eratosthenes. Sequential search in an array. Binary
search for values.
October 28 (review
sesson video)
No lecture (Czechoslovak Independence Day)
November 4 (lecture
video) (notes)
Binary search for a boundary. Bubble sort, selection sort, insertion
sort. Merging sorted arrays. Mergesort.
November 11 (lecture
video) (notes)
Quicksort. Linked lists.
November 18 (lecture
video) (notes)
Abstract data types. Stacks. Queues. Binary trees.
November 25 (lecture
video) (notes)
Sets. Binary search trees. Balanced and imbalanced trees. Hash
December 2 (lecture
video) (notes)
Dictionaries (maps). Hash tables. Priority queues. Heaps.
December 9 (lecture
video) (notes)
Heapsort. Graph representations.
December 16 (lecture
video) (notes)
Depth-first search. Breadth-first
December 23, 30
No lecture (winter vacation).
January 6 (lecture
video) (notes)
Searching in a state space. Infix, prefix and postfix notations.
Expression trees. Parsing arithmetic expressions.