
List of ancestors:
params.h, params.cpp

Desc. & Idea Warnings Methods Attributes Operators Specials


Abstract  Abstract

Virtual  Virtual Overridden  Overridden
Key, Important  Key, Important Constructor  Constructor Destructor  Destructor
Methods beginning with Get or Set (get/set) are usually intended to access Attributes of same name (exceptions will be marked).



This class represents a single parameter from the parametric file.



All output strings (char *) should be used as constants. Don't change them from outside the object. On the other hand all incoming strings are copied into the object. So the source strings can change or be deleted.
Params inserted into TGroup or TParamFile are really inserted not copied.




VirtualKey, Important BOOL AsBool(void)
VirtualKey, Important char AsChar(void)
VirtualKey, Important TFit AsFit(void)
VirtualKey, Important double AsFloat(void)
VirtualKey, Important int AsInt(void)
VirtualKey, Important TProb AsProb(void)
VirtualKey, Important char * AsString(void)
void Delete()
char * GetCaption(void)
TChange GetChange(void)
TGroup * GetGrp(void)
char * GetName(void)
TAParam * GetNext(void)
TParamFile *GetParent()
TAParam * GetPrior()
TStrList *GetRemarks()
Overridden uint GetSerSize(BOOL subclass=FALSE)
TPFileID *GetSourceFile()
TTypes GetType(void)
void PutAfter(TAParam *Who)
void PutBefore(TAParam *Who)
Key, Important void SetCaption(char *aCaption)
Key, Important void SetChange(TChange aChange)
TGroup * SetGrp(TGroup *aGrp)
Key, Important void SetName(char *aName)
Overridden uint Serialize(BYTE **rawbytes,BOOL subclass=FALSE)
void SetSourceFile(TPFileID *val)
Key, Important void SetType(TTypes aType)
VirtualKey, Important void SetValue(BOOL)
VirtualKey, Important void SetValue(char)
VirtualKey, Important void SetValue(char *)
VirtualKey, Important void SetValue(double)
VirtualKey, Important void SetValue(int)
ConstructorKey, Important TAParam(char *aName=NULL, TPFileID *aSourceFile=NULL)
Constructor TAParam(TAParam &picture)
void Unchain()
Destructor ~TAParam(void)


Constructor TAParam(BYTE** raw,uint length,BOOL subclass,char *GroupName,TParamFile *Into)




type Astype(void)

The parameters value is returned in a format specified by type. i.g  some conversions can be made. Use the string value as a pattern, don't change it directly.


The parameters value in a required format.

See alsoTParamFile.Readtype

Section Title

void Delete()

Simply just calls the destructor.

See also~TAParam

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char * GetCaption(void)


Returns the caption of the parameter. If it is NULL string Name is returned instead.

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TParamFile *GetParent()


Returns the TParamFile structure which the parameter belongs to.

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void PutAfter(TAParam *Who)

Puts the parameter behind the specified one (if it is not NULL). Parent  can change (See alsoGetParent).


Who...the parameter in the chain.

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void PutBefore(TAParam *Who)

Puts the parameter before the specified one (if it is not NULL). Parent  can change (See alsoGetParent). Also TParamFile.FirstParam can be affected.


Who...the parameter in the chain.

Section Title

TGroup * SetGrp(TGroup *aGrp)

Quite a complex function. Among others parent can be changed (See alsoGetParent). If there is no FileID of the same filename as in the current parent TParamFile the old one is copied.


aGrp...the new group


The group the parameter belongs to now.

See alsoTGroup.InjectParam, TGroup.InsertParam, TGroup.EjectParam

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void SetValue(type)

Set the value of the parameter. The type is converted into the type of parameter.


the new value

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void SetSourceFile(TPFileID *val)

Quite a complex function. Among others parent can be changed (See alsoGetParent). If a Group of the same name as the parental is does not exist in new TParamFile it is created (empty).


val...the new FileID.

Section Title

TAParam(char *aName=NULL, TPFileID *aSourceFile=NULL)

Constructor that creates a new parameter. The parameter doesn't belong to any group. And its type must be set.


aName...name of the new parameter
aSourceFile...file the parameter belongs to

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TAParam(TAParam &picture)

Copy constructor. Warning: the new parameter is in no group nor chain even the SourceFile is NULL.


picture...parameter that should be copied

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TAParam(BYTE** raw,uint length,BOOL subclass,char *GroupName,TParamFile *Into)

Deserialization constructor. Don't use separately.

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void Unchain()

Takes out the parameter from the chain. The TParamFile.FristParam is maintained.

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Destructor. Frees also the string values.

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Key, Important char * Caption
Key, Important TChange Change
Key, Important TMultiType Data
TGroup * Grp
Key, Important char * Name
TAParam *Next
TAParam *Prior
TStrList *Remarks
Key, Important TPFileID *SourceFile
char *strbuf
Key, Important TTypes Type



char * Caption

Caption of the parameter that should be used by the parameter setting utility. If it is NULL (The GetCaption function returns  a same pointer  as function GetName) the setting utility should not show this parameter.

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TChange Change

The changeability status of the parameter.

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TMultiType Data

A union type attribute, that contains the value of the parameter.

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TGroup * Grp

The parent group.

See alsoSetGrp

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char * Name

Name of the parameter.

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TAParam *Next

Next parameter in the structure chain.

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TAParam *Prior

Prior parameter in the structure chain.

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TStrList *Remarks

Remarks connected with the parameter.

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TPFileID *SourceFile

The FileID of the file the parameter was loaded from. (or which the parameter was added into.).

See alsoSetSourceFile

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char *strbuf

Points to a buffer for values converted to string from other types.

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TTypes Type

Type of the parameters data.

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Use the string values as patterns don't change them directly.

    BOOL->string      "FALSE" or "TRUE"
    BOOL->ordinal    0 or 1
    BOOL->char        'T' (macro TRUECHAR) or 'F' (macro FALSECHAR)
    string->BOOL       TRUE if the string is "TRUE" otherwise FALSE
    char->BOOL        'T' (TRUECHAR) to TRUE otherwise FALSE
Other conversions are obvious.
