Read a number N from the console. Simulate rolling N 6-sided dice. Write the value of each die roll, followed by the sum of all of them.
How many dice? 4 6 2 6 1 total: 15 === How many dice? 2 6 2 total: 8
Simulate coin flips, printing an 'H' each time the coin falls on heads and 'T' each time it falls on tails. Once you reach the third H, stop and write how many coins were flipped.
HTTTHTH 7 flips === TTTHTTTTTHH 11 flips
Read a number N, then print an N x N square of asterisks as in the example below.
Enter N: 5 ***** * * * * * * *****
Read a number N, then print an N x N triangle of asterisks as in the example below.
Enter N: 6 * ** *** **** ***** ******
Read a string and write it out with a space between each adjacent pair of characters.
Enter string: waffle w a f f l e
Read a string and print 'double' if any two adjacent characters are the same, or 'nothing' otherwise.
Enter string: abacuses nothing === Enter string: lionesses double
Write a program that generates a random password with 10 lowercase letters. The password should contain alternating consonants and vowels.
Sample outputs:
kimolonapo ritilenora
Write a program that reads two string S and T, each on its own line. The program should print the string that is lexicographically greater, i.e. the string that appears later in dictionary order. Do not use the built-in string comparison operator '>'.
Enter S: limerick Enter T: limeade limerick
Write a function startswith(s,
that takes strings s and t and returns True if s starts
with t. Do not use the built-in method of the same name.
Write a program that reads a string on a single line and prints "vowels" if the string contains any vowels, otherwise "no vowels".
Read a string and print either 'ascii' if the string contains only ASCII characters, 'unicode' otherwise.
Write a program that reads a string and capitalizes all words in the string. For this exercise, words are sequences of characters separated by one or more spaces. (Do not use the built-in method title(), which does the same thing.)
Sample input:
one fine day
One Fine Day