Write a Tkinter program that draws 1000 random lines of length 300 pixels, each with a random color. All line angles should be equally likely.
Write a Tkinter program that draws a Czech flag:
Do not use any external image files – instead, the program should draw the flag itself using filled rectangles and/or polygons.
Modify the Tic-Tac-Toe program from the lecture so that when one player wins, it draws a line through the winning squares.
Modify the Tic-Tac-Toe program from the lecture so that it indicates whose turn it is to move.
Write a Tkinter program that lets the user draw lines. Initially the program should display a blank canvas. If the user clicks and drags the mouse, the program should display a line from the point where the user clicked to the current mouse position. When the user releases the mouse, the line should remain on the canvas. Each line should have a random color.
Write a program that lets the user draw squares by dragging the mouse. Each square should have a random color.
Extend the previous program so that the user can move a square to a new position by clicking and dragging it. A moved square should rise to the top of the Z-order.