Programming 2, Summer 2022
Week 3: Exercises

1. Printing with Commas

Write a program that reads a single line containing an integer which may be arbitrarily large, and writes the integer with embedded commas.





2. Integer Conversions

What value do you think each of these programs will print?


int i = 300;
WriteLine((byte) i);


int j = 200;
WriteLine((sbyte) j);


int k = 1050;
WriteLine((int) (byte) k);


long l =  256_256_256_256;
WriteLine((long) (byte) (short) (int) l);

3. Halving and Squaring

We learned in the lecture that a double is a 64-bit floating point number with a 1-bit sign S, an 11-bit signed exponent E and a 52-bit mantissa M. The mantissa is a number between 1 and 2, represented in binary. The value of the floating-point number is basically

S · M · 2E

What values do you think these programs will print, at least approximately?


int i = 1;
for (double d = 1.0; d > 0 ; d /= 2)
    i += 1;


int i = 1;
for (double d = 0.5; d > 0 ; d = d * d)
    i += 1;

4. Rotate a Matrix

Write a program that reads an N x N matrix of integers and prints it out rotated 90 degrees to the right.


2 4 6 8
8 6 4 2
1 3 7 9
9 7 3 1


9 1 8 2
7 3 6 4
3 7 4 6
1 9 2 8

5. Zombies

Some zombies are chasing a player. Here is a top-down view:

Image credit: © Copyright 2014-2020, Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur and the Godot community (CC-BY 3.0)

Each zombie can see infinitely far in a 180° field of view as indicated by the light blue half-circular shapes above. In the picture above, zombie A can see the player, but zombie B cannot.

Write a program that reads, on three lines:

Each position or vector is a pair of floating-point numbers. The program should print "can see" if the zombie can see the player, otherwise "cannot see".

6. Integer Square Root

Write a program that reads an integer n, and computes and prints the integer square root of n, i.e. the non-negative integer i such that i2 = n. If no such integer exists, print "not a square". Do not call any library functions. Your method must run in time O(log N) in the worst case.

7. 3-D Tic-Tac-Toe

The game of 3-D Tic-Tac-Toe is played on a 4x4x4 cube of cells. As in ordinary Tic-Tac-Toe, players take turn placing marks X or O. The winner is the first player to form four in a row in any direction:

Write a program that alllows two players to play 3-D Tic-Tac-Toe. After each move, the program should print out the board in a format such as this:





Each player should enter their move as three digits (each from 0-3) representing a level, row, and column number. For example, '303' would represent the upper-right square in the lowest level.