These are optional exercises for practicing the concepts we learned this week.
Calculate by hand:
What is 1101002 in base 10? What is AB16 in base 10?
What is 9510 in base 2? In base 16?
In hexadecimal, what is the smallest and largest value that can be stored in a byte?
How many digits does 10010 have when written in base 5? How many digits does 50010 have when written in the same base?
Calculate by hand:
What is 978 in base 10?
What is 9710 in base 8?
What is 237610 in base 100? In base 1000?
Write a program that reads an integer N (in decimal), and prints out all values from 0 to N in binary representation, with one number per line.
Let's say that a number is
light if its binary representation has more 0s than 1s
heavy if its binary representation has more 1s than 0s
balanced if its binary representation has the same number of 0s and 1s
Write a program that reads a decimal integer and reports whether it is light, heavy, or balanced.
Write a program that reads a number written in base 7, and writes the number in base 3.
Write a program that reads an integer N and prints out N with its digits reversed. Do not use any strings (except for reading the input) or lists. You must reverse the digits using arithmetic operations only. Hint: extract N's digits in order from least significant to most significant; use those to build an integer K in which the least significant digit of N becomes the most significant digit of K.
The largest known prime number is
282,589,933 − 1
How many digits does this number have, approximately?
Were you born in a year that's a prime number? To answer this question for all students at once, write a program that prints all prime numbers between 1980 and 2020.
The primalty testing program that we wrote in class tests all values from 2 up to √n to see if they are divisors of n.
a) It is unnecessary to test half of those values for divisibility. Why?
b) Make the program more efficient by changing it so that it does not test those unnecessary values.
Bertrand's postulate, first proven in 1852, states that for every integer n > 1 there is at least one prime p such that
n < p < 2n
Write a program that reads an integer n and prints
some prime number p in the range n < p < 2n
the count of prime numbers p in the range n < p < 2n
Write a program that reads an integer n and prints the nth prime number.
Write a program that reads integers a and b and prints the density of primes in the range [a, b], i.e. the fraction of the integers a ≤ n ≤ b that are prime.
Write a program to determine how many 3-digit primes exist that have only odd digits.
Modify our factorization program from the lecture so that it only tests possible divisors up to √n when factoring a number n.
Write a program that reads an integer n and prints its largest prime factor.
Write a program that reads an integer n and prints its prime factor that occurs the most times in n's prime factorization. (If more than one prime factor has a maximum number of occurrences, print the largest such factor.)
As we discussed in the lecture, the Fermat numbers Fn are defined as
Fn = 22^n
Write a program that loops forever, printing out each Fermat number in term and also printing its prime factorization.