Week 5: Notes


C# supports inheritance, a mechanism that allows a class to extend another class and to change its behavior. We have already seen inheritance in Programming 1, where we briefly discussed inheritance between classes in Python. However we will emphasize inheritance more in Programming 2. Inheritance plays a major role in the C# collection class library and in other popular class libraries such as graphical interface toolkits. Furthermore, in Programming 2 we will start to write larger programs in which we may have our own uses for inheritance.

Suppose that we have a simple C# class that implements a fixed-size stack of values of type double:

class Stack {
  double[] a;
  int count;
  public Stack(int maxSize) {
    a = new double[maxSize];
  public void push(double d) {
    a[count] = d;
    count += 1;
  public double pop() {
    count -= 1;
    return a[count];

  public bool isEmpty => count == 0;

We'd now like to write a class AvgStack that is like Stack, but has an additional method average() that can report the average value of the numbers that are currently on the stack. We would like average() to run in O(1). To achieve that, AvgStack will keep track of the current total of all numbers on the stack.

We can write AvgStack using inheritance. Here is an implementation:

class AvgStack : Stack {
  double total;
  public AvgStack(int maxSize) : base(maxSize) {
  public override void push(double d) {
    total += d;
  public override double pop() {
    double d = base.pop();
    total -= d;
    return d;
  public double average() => total / count;

The notation class AvgStack : Stack means that the class AvgStack inherits from Stack. In this situation, we say that Stack is the superclass (or parent class or base class), and AvgStack is a subclass (or derived class).

AvgStack has a public constructor that takes a single argument maxSize, just like the parent class. The notation : base(maxSize) means that the AvgStack constructor chains to the base class constructor – in other words, it calls the base class constructor, passing it the same value of maxSize that it itself received. (We previously saw similar syntax for chaining to a different constructor in the same class. When chaining to a constructor in the same class, we write : this(); when chaining to a constructor in the base class, we write : base().)

The AvgStack constructor does not need to initialize the total field to 0.0, since 0.0 is the default value for fields of type double.

AvgStack overrides the push and pop methods from its parent class. That means that AvgStack provides its own implementation of these methods. In the push() method, AvgStack calls base.push(d) to call the same-named method in the base class. It then runs total += d to update the running total. pop() is similar.

Note that if you attempt to build the Stack and AvgStack classes as written above, the code will not compile! We need to make two changes to the base class Stack:

1. We must modify the push() and pop() methods to be virtual:

  public virtual void push(double d) {
    a[count] = d;
    count += 1;
  public virtual double pop() {
    count -= 1;
    return a[count];

In C#, a subclass may only override base class methods if they are virtual.

2. We must modify the count field in the base class to be protected:

  protected int count;    // in Stack class

That is because the average() method in AvgStack accesses count:

  public double average() => total / count;   // in AvgStack class

In C#, the default access level for any member (e.g. field, method) is private. So if we use the simple declaration "int count;", then count will be private, which means that it will accessible only within its own class. A protected member, by constract, is accessible within its own class and within any subclasses. Finally, as we have seen before, a member marked as public is accessible from anywhere.

using base and derived types

We can create instances of each of the Stack and AvgStack classes as follows:

Stack s = new Stack(100);         // create a Stack
AvgStack t = new AvgStack(100);   // create an AvgStack

How about the following – will this work?

AvgStack t = new Stack(100);    // does not compile

We are creating a Stack, and attempting to store it in a variable of type AvgStack. The code will not compile. If t has type AvgStack, then it cannot hold this object because a Stack is not an AvgStack. In general, an instance of a superclass (Stack) is not an instance of a subclass (AvgStack) because it doesn't have the extended capabilities that the subclass provides.

On the other hand, consider this:

Stack s = new AvgStack(100);   // works OK

This code will compile: a variable of type Stack can hold an AvgStack, because an AvgStack is a kind of Stack. In general, an instance of a subclass counts as an instance of its superclass (or of any ancestor class).

What happens if we invoke a method through a variable whose type is the superclass? In other words, how will the following code behave?

Stack s = new AvgStack(100);
for (double d = 0.0 ; d < 10.0 ; d += 1.0)
  s.push(d);   // which push() will this call?

Which implementation of push() will be invoked by the code above – the implementation in Stack, or in the subclass AvgStack?

The code will call the implementation in AvgStack. Even though the object is held in a variable of type Stack, it is actually an AvgStack. A call to a virtual method is resolved based on an object's actual class – the type of the variable holding the object is irrelevant.

The assigment Stack s = new AvgStack(100) works because the type AvgStack is implicitly convertible to Stack. Because of this phenomenon, we may write a method that works on Stack objects and may pass it instances of the AvgStack subclass. For example:

static void empty(Stack s) {
  while (!s.isEmpty)

We may pass an AvgStack to this method:

AvgStack s = new AvgStack(100);
for (double d = 0.0 ; d < 10.0 ; d += 1.0)

We have seen that C# will implicitly convert from a subclass to a superclass type. In the other direction, C# provides an explicit conversion that we can access via a type cast. For example:

Stack s = new AvgStack(100);
AvgStack t = (AvgStack) s;    // explicit conversion

We can use an explicit conversion to a subclass type when we are sure that a variable holds a object of that subclass. On the other hand, if the object does not actually belong to the subclass then the program will exit with an exception:

Stack s = new Stack(100);
AvgStack t = (AvgStack) s;  // compiles, but will throw an exception when run


The is operator returns true if a value is not null and belongs to a given type. It works with both reference types and nullable types:

    class LinkedStack : Stack {  }

    Stack s = getStack();
    if (s is LinkedStack)
      WriteLine("it is a LinkedStack");
    int? i = abc();
    if (i is int)  // true if i != null


The as operator checks whether a value belongs to a type. If so, it returns the value; otherwise it returns null:

    Stack s = getStack();
    LinkedStack ls = s as LinkedStack;  // if s was not a LinkedStack, ls will be null

abstract classes and methods

Suppose that we'd like to write classes that implement several kinds of collections of integers:

Furthemore we would like to use these classes somewhat interchangeably, so we'd like them all to provide a common set of members:

The add() and remove() methods will work differently in the different classes. For example, in a Queue the remove() method will remove the element that was added first, whereas in a PriorityQueue it will remove the smallest value.

We could write all these classes independently. But since they share some common functionality, it might be nicer to use inheritance so that we can write the common code only once. However, none of these classes can reasonably inherit from each other. (Perhaps a priority queue sounds like a particular kind of queue, but the data structure for implementing a priority queue (e.g. a binary heap) will be completely different from the data structure for implementing a FIFO queue (e.g. a linked list).)

Instead, a better idea is to write a top-level class Collection that can serve as a superclass for all of these classes. Then we can implement the common functionality in the Collection class. Of course, it would make no sense to create an object of class Collection; the only purpose of Collection is for other classes to derive from this. So we will mark Collection as an abstract class. An abstract class cannot be instantiatedthat is to say, you cannot create an instance of it. Furthermore, an abstract class can have abstract methods, which have no implementation: a concrete derived class must provide an implementation of these methods.

Here is the base class Collection:

abstract class Collection {
  protected int _count;
  protected Collection() { }
  protected Collection(int[] a) {
    foreach (int val in a)

  public int count => _count;
  public bool isEmpty => _count == 0;

  protected abstract void _add(int val);
  protected abstract int _remove();

  public void add(int a) {
    _count += 1;
  public int remove() {
    int val = _remove();
    _count -= 1;
    return val;

The field _count holds the number of elements in a collection. Its name is preceded with an underscore to distinguish it from the public read-only count property. The class has two constructors: one creates an empty Collection and another initializes a Collection with elements from an array. The constructors are protected, not public, since they will only be called by subclasses.

The public methods add() and remove() call the abstract methods _add() and _remove() to perform the actual work of adding and removing elements from a collection. Notice that these methods have no implementation; they will be implemented by each subclass.

Here is a subclass Queue that implements a FIFO queue using a linked list:

class Node {
  public int val;
  public Node<int> next;
  public Node(int val) { this.val = val; }

class Queue : Collection {
  Node head, tail;
  public Queue() { }
  public Queue(int[] a) : base(a) { }
  protected override void _add(int val) {
    if (head == null)
      head = tail = new Node<int>(val);
    else {
      tail.next = new Node<int>(val);
      tail = tail.next;
  protected override int _remove() {
    int val = head.val;
    head = head.next;
    return val;

Notice that we must write override when implementing an abstract method.

I will not provide implementations of the other subclasses. Hopefully it is clear enough, however, that the functionality in the top-level Collection class could reasonably be shared by all subclasses.

Object class

All C# class automatically inherit from a top-level class called Object which contains a modest number of methods that are shared by all objects. One of these methods is ToString:

virtual string ToString ();

C# automatically calls this method when it needs to convert any object to a string. You can override ToString() in your own classes if you'd like to change their printed representation. (ToString() is like the __repr magic method in Python, which you may remember.)

tutorial programs

integer square root

Write a static method int sqrt(int n) that computes the integer square root of an integer n, i.e. the non-negative integer i such that i * i = n. If no such integer exists, return -1.

    static int sqrt(int n) {
        int lo = 0, hi = n;

        // Loop invariant: lo <= sqrt(n) <= hi
        while (lo <= hi) {
            int mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
            if (mid * mid == n)
                return mid;
            else if (mid * mid < n)
                lo = mid + 1;
                hi = mid - 1;

        return -1;


Write a program that computes and prints the number 10100 mod 47.

static void Main(string[] args) {
    int n = 1;
    for (int i = 0 ; i < 100 ; ++i)
        n = (n * 10) % 47;

knight with a broken leg

A knight on a chessboard has a broken leg. On odd moves (including his first move), he moves like a knight. On even moves, he may only move one square horizontally or vertically (not diagonally). Write a method int knight_path((int, int) start_pos, (int, int) end_pos) that returns the length of the shortest path that the knight can take between positions (start_pos) and (end_pos) on a chessboard.

using static System.Console;

class Node {
    public (int x, int y) pos;
    public int dist;

    public Node((int, int) pos, int dist) {
        this.pos = pos; this.dist = dist;

class Queue {
    Node[] a = new Node[100];
    int head = 0, tail = 0;

    public void enqueue(Node q) {
        a[tail++] = q;

    public Node dequeue() {
        return a[head++];

    public bool is_empty => head == tail;

class Program {
    static (int, int)[] knight_moves = {
        (2, 1), (2, -1), (-2, 1), (-2, -1),
        (1, 2), (1, -2), (-1, 2), (-1, -2)

    static (int, int)[] limp_moves = {
        (1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, 1), (0, -1)

    static bool valid(int x, int y) => 1 <= x && x <= 8 && 1 <= y && y <= 8;

    static int knight_path((int, int) start, (int, int) goal) {
        Queue q = new Queue();
        q.enqueue(new Node(start, 0));
        bool[,] visited = new bool[9, 9];

        while (!q.is_empty) {
            Node n = q.dequeue();
            (int, int) [] moves = n.dist % 2 == 0 ? knight_moves : limp_moves;
            foreach ((int dx, int dy) in moves) {
                (int x, int y) = (n.pos.x + dx, n.pos.y + dy);
                if ((x, y) == goal)
                    return n.dist + 1;
                if (valid(x, y) && !visited[x, y]) {
                    visited[x, y] = true;
                    q.enqueue(new Node((x, y), n.dist + 1));

        return -1;

    static void Main(string[] args) {
        WriteLine(knight_path((1, 1), (1, 2)));