Build a data structure Tree
that is a random-access tree.
It should support the following operations:
-- (make_tree n x) creates a Tree that can hold n values, -- indexed from 0 .. (n - 1). All values are initially set to x. make_tree :: Int -> a -> Tree a -- Fetch the value at index i. fetch :: Tree a -> Int -> a -- Update the value at index i. update :: Tree a -> Int -> a -> Tree a
The functions fetch and update should run in O(log N) if the list holds N elements.
Build a random-access list data structure that supports these operations:
-- An empty RList. empty :: RList a -- Prepend a value to an RList. cons :: a -> RList a -> RList a -- Fetch the value at index i. fetch :: RList a -> Int -> a -- Update the value at index i. update :: RList a -> Int -> a -> RList a
Extend the expression parser we saw in the lecture so that expressions can contain variables. A variable name is any sequence of letters. Write a function eval that can evalute an expression in an environment in which every variable has a given value.
Extend the expression parser from the previous exercise so that it parses a series of statements, each of which assigns a value to a variable. Extend your evaluation function so that it evaluates a series of statements and returns an environment with the final values of all variables.
a) Write a function toArray
:: [a] -> Array Int a
that converts a list to an array with
integer indices, indexed from 0.
b) Write a function array2d
:: [[a]] -> Array Int (Array Int a)
that converts a list to
a 2-dimensional array with integer indices, indexed from 0.
Write a function that takes a square matrix of type [[Bool]]. The function should return the offset and size of the largest square submatrix that contains only True values. Use two-dimensional dynamic programming, using immutable arrays for an efficient top-down solution.
Implement the State monad using this type:
data State s a = State (s -> (a, s))
Implement the Writer monad using this type:
data Writer w a = Writer (a, w)
Implement the Reader monad using this type:
data Reader r a = Reader (r -> a)