Windows Forms Quick Reference

This quick reference lists useful classes and methods that you can use to develop simple programs in Windows Forms. See the official API documentation (System.Drawing, System.Windows.Forms) for a complete reference.

All methods below are public unless otherwise specified.

== Index ==

== System.Drawing namespace ==

Bitmap : Image

The pixel data for a graphics image.

Bitmap (string filename);

Load a Bitmap from a file containing an image in one of the following formats: BMP, GIF, EXIF, JPG, PNG or TIFF. You must call Dispose to dispose the Bitmap when you are finished using it.

Brush : IDisposable

A color and/or pattern used to fill the interiors of graphical shapes.


A class with read-only Brush objects.

static Brush Black, Blue, Brown, Cyan, Gold, Gray, Green, Magenta, Maroon, Olive, Orange, Pink, Plum, Purple, Red, Silver, Tan, Violet, White, Yellow { get; }

Brush objects for standard colors. This is just a small selection; see the API documentation for a full list.


An RGB (red, green, blue) color including an alpha (transparency) component.

static Color FromArgb (int red, int green, int blue);
static Color FromArgb (int alpha, int red, int green, int blue);

Construct a component from red, green, blue, and optional alpha components. Each component ranges from 0 to 255.

static Color Black, Blue, Brown, Cyan, Gold, Gray, Green, Magenta, Maroon, Olive, Orange, Pink, Plum, Purple, Red, Silver, Tan, Violet, White, Yellow { get; }

Standard colors. This is just a small selection; see the API documentation for a full list.

Font : IDisposable

A font family (such as "Times New Roman") plus size and style attributes.

Font (FontFamily family, float emSize);

Create a font with the given family and em-size in points. You should call Dispose() to dispose the font's resources when you are finished using it.


A typeface such as Times New Roman.

static FontFamily GenericSansSerif { get; }
static FontFamily GenericSerif { get; }

Generic serif and sans serif typefaces.


A drawing surface.

void DrawEllipse (Pen pen, float x, float y, float width, float height);

Draw an ellipse defined by a bounding rectangle specified by coordinates.

void DrawImage (Image image, float x, float y);

Draw an image at the specified location.

void DrawLine (Pen pen, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2);

Draw a line between two points specified by coordinates.

void DrawPolygon (Pen pen, PointF[] points);

Draw a polygon whose vertices are given by an array of points.

void DrawRectangle (Pen pen, float x, float y, float width, float height);

Draw a rectangle specified by coordinates.

void DrawString (string s, Font font, Brush brush, float x, float y);

Draw a string. (x, y) will be the upper-left corner of the text that is drawn.

void FillEllipse (Brush brush, float x, float y, float width, float height);

Fill an ellipse defined by a bounding rectangle specified by coordinates.

void FillPolygon (Brush brush, PointF[] points);

Fill a polygon whose vertices are given by an array of points.

void FillRectangle (Brush brush, float x, float y, float width, float height);

Fill a rectangle specified by coordinates.

void RotateTransform (float angle);

Prepend a rotation in degrees to this Graphics object's transformation matrix.

void ScaleTransform (float sx, float sy);

Prepend a scaling transformation to this Graphics object's transformation matrix.

void TranslateTransform (float dx, float dy);

Prepend a translation to this Graphics object's transformation matrix.

Image : IDisposable

An abstract base class for images such as Bitmap objects.

Pen : IDisposable

A color and/or pattern used to draw lines and curves. You should call Dispose() to dispose the pen's resources when you are finished using it.

Pen (Color color, float width);

Create a new Pen with the given color and width. If width is 0, the pen will draw as if the width were 1, even in the presence of a scaling transformation.


A class with read-only Pen objects.

static Pen Black, Blue, Brown, Cyan, Gold, Gray, Green, Magenta, Maroon, Olive, Orange, Pink, Plum, Purple, Red, Silver, Tan, Violet, White, Yellow { get; }

Pen objects for standard colors. This is just a small selection; see the API documentation for a full list.


A pair of numbers representing a geometric point.

PointF (float x, float y);

Create a PointF.

float X { get; set; }
float Y { get; set; }

Get or set the X- or Y-coordinate of this PointF.


A pair of integers representing a width and height.

Size (int width, int height);

Create a Size.

int Height { get; set; }
int Width { get; set; }

Get or set the width or height of this Size.

SolidBrush : Brush

A brush that draws in a single color.

public SolidBrush (Color color);

Create a SolidBrush.

== System.Windows.Forms namespace ==


An enumeration of values that specify how a control anchors to the edges of its container. Values include Left, Right, Top, Bottom, and None.


A class with static methods for managing a graphical application.

static void Exit ();

Exit the application.

static void Run (Form mainForm);

Display the given form and run the application's main loop.

Button : Control

A push button.

public Button ();

Create a new Button.


A component with a visual representation.

AnchorStyles Anchor { get; set; }

A bitwise combination of AnchorStyles values indicating the set of container edges that the control is bound to. The default value is AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left.

If a control is bound to opposite edges (e.g. both Left and Right) then it will resize with its parent in that direction.

Color BackColor { get; set; }

Get or set the control's background color.

Control.ControlCollection Controls { get; }

Get the set of controls contained within the control.

void Invalidate ();

Ask for the control to be redrawn.

Point Location { get; set; }

Get or set the coordinates of the upper-left corner of the control relative to its parent.

Size Size { get; set; }

Get or set the height and width of the control.

string Text { get; set; }

Get or set the text associated with the control.


event EventHandler Click;

An event that occurs when the control is clicked.

event KeyEventHandler KeyDown;

An event that occurs when a key is pressed while the control has focus.

event KeyPressEventHandler KeyPress;

An event that occurs when a key is pressed while the control has focus.

event KeyEventHandler KeyUp;

An event that occurs when a key is released while the control has focus.

event MouseEventHandler MouseDown;

An event that occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is pressed.

event MouseEventHandler MouseMove;

An event that occurs when the mouse pointer is moved over the control.

event MouseEventHandler MouseUp;

An event that occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is released.

event PaintEventHandler Paint;

An event that occurs when the control is redrawn.


A collection of Control objects.

void Add (Control value);

Add a control to the collection.


An enumeration of possible return values from a dialog box. Values include OK and Cancel.

Form : Control

A window or dialog box.

The Text property (inherited from Control) holds the text in the window's title bar.

Form ();

Create a new form, i.e. a window.

Size ClientSize { get; set; }

Get or set the size of the form's client area.

DialogResult ShowDialog ();

Show a form as a modal dialog box.

FormStartPosition StartPosition { get; set; }

The form's initial position.


An enumeration that specifies the initial position of a form. Values include

KeyEventArgs : EventArgs

Data for a KeyDown or KeyUp event.

Keys KeyCode { get; }

Get the code of the key that was pressed or released.


A method that handles a KeyDown or KeyUp event.

delegate void KeyEventHandler(object sender, KeyEventArgs e);

KeyPressEventArgs : EventArgs

Data for a KeyPress event.

char KeyChar { get; }

Get the character corresponding to the key that was pressed.


A method that handles a KeyPress event.

delegate void KeyPressEventHandler(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e);


An enumeration with codes for each key on the keyboard. Some values include

See the API documentation for a complete list.

MessageBox : Control

A dialog box that displays a message to the user.

static void Show (string text);

Display a message box with the specified text.


An enumeration with values representing mouse buttons. Values include Left, Middle and Right.

MouseEventArgs : EventArgs

Data for a MouseDown, MouseUp or MouseMove event.

MouseButtons Button { get; }

Get the mouse button that was pressed.

Point Location { get; }

Get the mouse position.

int X { get; }

Get the mouse's x-coordinate.

int Y { get; }

Get the mouse's y-coordinate.


A method that handles a MouseDown, MouseUp or MouseMove event.

delegate void MouseEventHandler(object sender, MouseEventArgs e);

PaintEventArgs : EventArgs

Data for a Paint event.

Graphics Graphics { get; }

A Graphics object used for painting.


A method that handles a control's Paint event.

delegate void PaintEventHandler(object sender, PaintEventArgs e);

ScrollableControl : Control

A control that supports scrolling and can display scrollbars automatically.

virtual bool AutoScroll { get; set; }

Set this property to true to enable scrolling.

Size AutoScrollMinSize { get; set; }

Set the size the virtual area through which the user can scroll.

Point AutoScrollPosition { get; set; }

Get or set the current scroll position. You must offset by this position when drawing in a ScrollableControl. You can do that as follows:

// Paint event handler
void onPaint(object sender, PaintEventArgs args) {
Graphics g = args.Graphics;
g.TranslateTransform(AutoScrollPosition.X, AutoScrollPosition.Y);


A Timer fires an event periodically.

Timer ();

Create a Timer.

bool Enabled { get; set; }

True if the timer is currently running. The default value is false.

int Interval { get; set; }

The timer interval in milliseconds.

event EventHandler Tick;

Occurs when the timer interval has elapsed.