Week 2: Notes

This week's material is covered in the Bratko text in sections 2.1 Data objects, 2.2 Matching, 3.1 Representation of lists and 3.2 Some operations on lists.

Here are some more notes.


A single-line comment begins with % and extends to the end of the line. Comments delimited with /* and */ can extend over multiple lines.


All data in Prolog is represented as terms. A term is any of these:

list predicates

Here are some examples of recursive predicates on lists. (All of these are actually built into Prolog - see our library quick reference).

% member(X, L) is true if X is a member of L

member(X, [X | _]).
member(X, [_ | L]) :- member(X, L).

% append(L1, L2, M) is true if M is the concatenation of L1 and L2

append([], L, L).
append([X | L], M, [X | N]) :- append(L, M, N).

% same_length(L, M) is true if L and M are lists of the same length

same_length([], []).
same_length([_ | L], [_ | M]) :- same_length(L, M).

% select(X, L, M) is true if we can remove X from L to make M.
% Equivalently, it is true if we can insert X anywhere in M to make L.

select(X, [X | L], L).
select(X, [Y | L], [Y | L2]) :- select(X, L, L2).


Ideally a Prolog predicate will run in all directions and will always terminate if the result set is finite. Unfortunately it's not always so easy to tell whether the predicate will terminate just by looking at it. Often in practice you will need to run it to see what happens.

The select implementation above works in more than one direction:

?- select(X, [3, 4, 5], L).
X = 3,
L = [4, 5] ;
X = 4,
L = [3, 5] ;
X = 5,
L = [3, 4] ;

?- select(2, L, [3, 4]).
L = [2, 3, 4] ;
L = [3, 2, 4] ;
L = [3, 4, 2] ;

Let's cleverly reimplement select using append:

select(X, L1, L2) :- append(A, [X | B], L1), append(A, B, L2).

Now the first query above still works, but the second hangs after finding all solutions:

?- select(2, L, [3, 4]).
L = [2, 3, 4] ;
L = [3, 2, 4] ;
L = [3, 4, 2] ;
^CAction (h for help) ? abort
% Execution Aborted

Here is a trick that can often help a predicate terminate: add a goal that uses the same_length predicate to express the relationship between two list lengths. For example:

select(X, L1, L2) :- same_length(L1, [_ | L2]),
                     append(A, [X | B], L1), append(A, B, L2).

Now the query select(2, L, [3, 4]) correctly finds all solutions and terminates.

The same_length trick works because it adds a logically valid constraint that helps limit Prolog's search. If you want to understand it in more detail, turn on tracing and study how Prolog resolves the above query with and without the same_length goal.

Tutorial exercises

Here are solutions to some of the optional exercises for this week:

Second Last

Write a predicate second_last(X, L) that is true if X is the next-to-last element of L.

second_last(X, [X, _]).

second_last(X, [_ | L]) :- second_last(X, L).

Next To

Write a predicate next_to(X, Y, L) that is true if elements X and Y appear in L, with Y immediately after X.

next_to(X, Y, L) :- append(_, [X, Y | _], L).

Even Length

Write a predicate even_length(L) that is true if the length of L is an even integer.


even_length([_, _ | L]) :- even_length(L).


Write a predicate longer(L, M) that is true if L is longer than M.

longer([_ | _], []).

longer([_ | L], [_ | M]) :- longer(L, M).

Double Length

Write a predicate double_length(L, M) that is true if L is twice as long as M.

double_length([], []).

double_length([_, _ | L], [_ | M]) :- double_length(L, M).


Write a predicate reverse(L, M) that is true if L and M contain the same elements in reverse order.

reverse([], []).

reverse([X | L], M) :-
    same_length([X | L], M), reverse(L, LR), append(LR, [X], M).


?- reverse(L, [a, b, c]).
L = [c, b, a].

?- reverse([a, b, c], L).
L = [c, b, a].

All Same

Write a predicate all_same(L) that is true if all elements of L are identical.

all_same([X, X | L]) :- all_same([X | L]).

All Different

Write a predicate all_diff(L) that is true if no two elements of L are identical.

% helper predicate
% all_diff(X, L) is true if X is different from every element in L
all_diff(_, []).
all_diff(X, [Y | L]) :- dif(X, Y), all_diff(X, L).

% main predicate
all_diff([X | L]) :- all_diff(X, L), all_diff(L).


Write a predicate select(X, L, M) that is true if X can be removed from L to make M. Equivalently, select(X, L, M) is true if X can be inserted anywhere in M to make L.

select(X, L, M) :- same_length(L, [_ | M]),
                   append(A, [X | B], L), append(A, B, M).

Select, Extended

Write a predicate select(X, L, Y, M) that is true if L and M are identical except (possibly) for a single element, which is X in L and is Y in M.

sel(X, L, Y, M) :- same_length(L, M),
                   append(A, [X | B], L), append(A, [Y | B], M).