Week 1: Notes

As I mentioned in the lecture, in our class we will use SWI-Prolog, which you should install on your own machine now.


A predicate in Prolog has a name and zero or more arguments. A predicate is defined by a series of clauses, which must appear together in a source file.

A clause is either a fact or a rule.

A fact contains a predicate name plus zero or more arguments:


parent(eliska, karel).

A rule consists of a head and a body, separated by the symbol :- (pronounced "if"):

path(X, Y) :- edge(X, Z), path(Z, Y).

different(P, Q, R) :- dif(P, Q), dif(Q, R), dif(P, R).

The head looks like a fact. The body contains one or more goals, which look like facts. Goals can be chained together using the operators


A query in Prolog looks like the body of a rule: it contains one or more goals, possibly chained together with ',' and/or ';' .

parent(X, eliska).

color(C), color(D), dif(C, D), similar(C, D).


The built-in predicate '=' is true when two terms are equal.

dif(X, Y) is true when X and Y are different.