Programming I, 2018-9
Lecture 7 – Notes

range types

When you declare a variable or field of any integer type, you can specify a range of values that it may hold:

  time = record
    hours: 0 .. 23;
    minutes: 0 .. 59;
    seconds: 0 .. 59;

  t: time;
  i: 10 .. 15;

If you have enabled range checking with the {$r+} directive, then Pascal will check that a variable's value actually falls within the given range. For example:

        t.hours := 30;    // RUNTIME ERROR

The assignment above results in a runtime error since 30 is out of range.

Ranges work for characters, too:

  c: 'a' .. 'z';

enumerated types

In Pascal you may define enumerated types, which have a fixed number of constant values:

  suit = (clubs, diamonds, hearts, spades);  // an enumerated type

  card = record
    r: 2 .. 14;  // 11 = Jack, 12 = Queen, 13 = King, 14 = Ace
    s: suit;

  c: card;

  c.r := 8;
  c.s := diamonds;

Notice that each of an enumerated type's values (e.g. diamonds) is available as a constant anywhere in the program.

In this example, alternatively we could use a string (e.g. 'diamonds') or an integer to represent a suit. But when there are only a small number of possible values, an enumerated type is bettter than a string because it lets the compiler check that values are correct. For example, if we used strings to represent suits and we mistakenly typed

c.s := 'diammonds'   // misspelled

then the compiler would not complain, and we'd have a bug in our program. Conversely, with the enumerated type, the line

c.s := diammonds     // misspelled

will give a compiler error since the name 'diammonds' is unknown.

If we used an arbitrary integer to represent a suit (e.g. 1 = clubs, 2 = diamonds) then our code would be hard to read: in a line such as

c.s := 4;

it would not be obvious which suit is represented by the number 4. Arbitrary constants embedded in code such as these are called magic numbers and are generally a poor coding practice. Again, an enumerated type is often a better choice here.


A case statement uses a given value to choose which of a set of statements to execute:

  c: integer;


  case c of




        aces := aces + 1;

      writeln('unknown card');
  end;    // end case

Notice that each label is either a single value (e.g. 12) or a range of values (e.g. 2..10).

The else clause in a case statement is optional. If it is not present, and the supplied value does not match any case labels, then the entire case statement is skipped.

You must use begin/end to wrap multiple statements in any case group except the else group, in which begin/end are optional.

case statements work with values of any ordinal type, e.g. integers, characters or enumerated types. They do not work with strings (unfortunately). They also cannot be used with reals.

greatest common divisor

For integers a and b, the greatest common divisor of a and b, also written as gcd(a, b), is the largest integer that evenly divides both a and b. For example:

The greatest common divisor is useful in various situations, such as simplifying fractions. For example, suppose that we want to simplify 35/15. gcd(35, 15) = 5, so we can divide both the numerator and denominator by 5, yielding 7/3.

Naively, we can find the gcd of two values by trial division:

function gcd(a, b: integer): integer;

  i: integer;

  for i := min(a, b) downto 2 do
    if (a mod i = 0) and (b mod i = 0) then

But this may take time O(N), where N = min(a, b). We'd like to be more efficient, especially since in some situations (e.g. cryptography) we may want to take the gcd of numbers that are very large.

Another way to find the greatest common divisor of two numbers is to factor the numbers into primes, then look for common primes. For example consider finding gcd(252, 90). 252 = 9 * 28 = 22 * 32 * 71. And 90 = 9 * 10 = 21 * 32 * 51. So the common primes are 2* 3= 18, and we have gcd(252, 90) = 18.

Euclid's algorithm

Euclid’s algorithm is a much more efficient way to find the gcd of two numbers than prime factorization. It is based on the fact that for all positive integers a and b, gcd(a, b) = gcd(b, a mod b). (We will not prove this here, though the proof is not difficult.) So, for example,

gcd(252, 90)
= gcd(90, 72)
= gcd(72, 18)
= gcd(18, 0)
= 18

We can implement Euclid's algorithm in Pascal like this:

function gcd(a, b: integer): integer;
  c: integer;
  while b <> 0 do
      c := a mod b;
      a := b;
      b := c;

In all the examples of gcd(a, b) above we had a > b. But note that this function works even when a < b ! For example, if we call gcd(5, 15), then on the first iteration of the while loop we have c = 5 mod 15 = 5. So then we assign a := 15 and b := 5, and further iterations continue as if we had called gcd(15, 5).

Suppose that we call gcd(x, y), with x > y. What is the running time of our gcd function as a function of N = x? To see this, first note that for any integers a, b with a > b, we have (a mod b) < a / 2. For if 0 < b ≤ a / 2, then (a mod b) ≤ b – 1 < a / 2. Or if a / 2 < b < a, then a div b = 1, so (a mod b) = a – b < a – a / 2 = a / 2.

Now suppose that we call gcd(x, y) and the function runs for at least a few iterations. Then

In two iterations the first argument has dropped from x to (x mod y) < x / 2. So after every two iterations of the algorithm, the first argument will be reduced by at least a factor of 2. This shows that the algorithm cannot iterate more than 2 log2(x) times. In other words, it runs in time O(log N), since N = x.


We can rewrite our implementation of Euclid's algorithm more compactly using recursion:

function gcd(a, b: integer): integer;
  if b = 0 then exit(a);    // base case

  exit(gcd(b, a mod b));    // recursive case

A recursive function calls itself. This is the first time we have seen recursion in this course. Recursion is a powerful technique that can help us solve many problems. We will use it often in this course and in Programming II.

Whenever we write a recursive function, there is a base case and a recursive case.

The base case is an instance that we can solve immediately. In the function above, the base case is when b = 0. A recursive function must always have a base case – otherwise it would loop forever since it would always call itself.

In the recursive case, a function calls itself recursively, passing it a smaller instance of the given problem. Then it uses the return value from the recursive call to construct a value that it itself can return. In the recursive case in this example, we call gcd(b, a mod b) and return the value that it returns.

We have seen that we can write Euclid's algorithm either iteratively (i.e. using loops) or recursively. In theory, any function can be written either iteratively or recursively. We will see that for some problems a recursive solution is easy and an iterative solution would be quite difficult. Conversely, some problems are easier to solve iteratively. Pascal lets us write functions either way. (By the way, in purely functional languages such as Haskell there are no loops or iteration, so you must always use recursion. But that is a topic for another course.)

Broadly speaking, we will see that "easy" recursive functions such as gcd call themselves only once, and it would be straightforward to write them either iteratively or recursively. For today we will become familiar with recursion by considering only these "easy" functions. In the next few lectures we will see recursive functions that call themselves two or more times. Those functions will let us solve more difficult tasks that we could not easily solve iteratively.

For now, here is another example, a recursive procedure:

procedure hi(x: integer);
  if x = 0 then
  writeln('start ', x);
  hi(x - 1);
  writeln('done ', x);

If we call hi(3), the output will be

start 3
start 2
start 1
done 1
done 2
done 3

Be sure you understand why the lines beginning with 'done' are printed. hi(3) calls hi(2), which calls hi(1), which calls hi(0). At the moment that hi(0) runs, all of these function invocations are active and are present in memory on the call stack:

→ hi(2)
  → hi(1)
    → hi(0)

Each function invocation has its own value of the parameter x. (If this procedure had local variables, each invocation would have a separate set of variable values as well.)

When hi(0) returns, it does not exit from this entire set of calls. It returns to its caller, i.e. hi(1). hi(1) now resumes execution and writes 'done 1'. Then it returns to hi(2), which writes 'done 2', and so on.

Here is another recursive function:

function sum(n: integer): integer;
  if n = 0 then exit(0);
  exit(n + sum(n - 1));

What does this function do? Suppose that we call sum(3). It will call sum(2), which calls sum(1), which calls sum(0). The call stack now looks like this:

→ sum(2)
  → sum(1)
    → sum(0)


We see that given any n, the function returns the sum 1 + 2 + 3 + … + n.

We were given this function and had to figure out what it does. But more often we will go in the other direction: given some problem, we'd like to write a recursive function to solve it. How can we do that?

Here is some general advice. To write any recursive function, first look for base case(s) where the function can return immediately. (As we will soon see, a function may sometimes have more than one base case.) Now you need to write the recursive case, where the function calls itself. At this point you may wish to pretend that the function "already works". Write the recursive call and believe that it will return a correct solution to a subproblem, i.e. a smaller instance of the problem. Now you must somehow transform that subproblem solution into a solution to the entire problem, and return it. This is really the key step: understanding the recursive structure of the problem, i.e. how a solution can be derived from a subproblem solution.

more recursive examples

Let's go through some more examples of recursive functions.

sum of array elements

We will write a recursive function to return the sum of all elements in an array of integers:

function sum(const a: array of integer): integer;

We can't write this function directly recursively, since it can't call itself and pass a subarray of the array a. (Actually there is a way to do that in Pascal, though we haven't learned about that yet.) So instead we must generalize the problem into a form that we can solve recursively. (This is a very common step in constructing a recursive solution.) Here is a more general function:

// Return the sum of a[l … r], i.e. a[l] + a[l + 1] + … + a[r]
function sum1(const a: array of integer; l, r: integer): integer;

Certainly if we can write sum1 then we can trivially write sum by calling sum1:

function sum(const a: array of integer): integer;
  exit(sum1(a, 0, high(a));

So now it remains only to write sum1. We can do so recursively:

// Return the sum of a[l … r], i.e. a[l] + a[l + 1] + … + a[r]
function sum1(const a: array of integer; l, r: integer): integer;
  if r < l then exit(0);   // base case: empty set of elements

  exit(a[l] + sum(a, l + 1, r);

The base case here is when r < l, i.e. the set a[l … r] is empty because there are no values i with l ≤ i ≤ r. Alternatively, we could use this base case:

if l = r then exit(a[l]);    // base case: only 1 element

However in recursion it is usually better to use a subproblem of size 0 as a base case when possible. This is both because subproblems of size 0 do actually occur (e.g. an empty array, the empty string), and also because a subproblem of size 0 often has an especially trivial solution.

In the recursive case in this function, we first invoke sum(a, l + 1, r). When writing the function, we pretend that the recursive function "already works" and will return the correct sum of the elements a[(l + 1) … r]. We then need add only the value a[l] to obtain the entire sum we want.

We could alternatively write the recursive case as

  exit(sum(a, l, r - 1) + a[r]);

This would compute the same result, but adding the elements in the opposite direction.

Finally, note that we didn't need to make sum1 quite this general. We could have added only the parameter r, for example:

// Return the sum of a[0 … r], i.e. a[0] + a[1] + … + a[r]
function sum1(const a: array of integer; r: integer): integer;
  if r < 0 then exit(0);   // base case: empty set of elements

  exit(sum(a, 0, r – 1) + a[r]);

Similarly, we could have only added the parameter l, and computed the sum of a[l … high(a)].


Here is the first example from today's lab session: a recursive procedure that prints the word 'orange' n times.

procedure orange(n: integer);
  if n = 0 then exit;    // base case

  orange(n  1);

detecting powers of two

Here's a recursive function that returns true if its argument n is a power of 2.

function isPowOfTwo(n: integer): boolean;
  if n = 1 then exit(true);          // base case
  if n mod 2 <> 0 then exit(false);  // another base case

  exit(isPowOfTwo(n div 2));

Note the two base cases here.

counting occurrences

Let's write a recursive function that counts the number of times that an integer k occurs in a given array:

function count(const a: array of integer; k: integer): integer;

As in a previous example, we need to generalize this to be able to write it recursively:

// Return the number of occurrences of k in the elements a[l … r].
function count1(const a: array of integer; k: integer; l, r: integer): integer;
  c: integer;
  if r < l then exit(0);
  c := count1(a, k, l + 1, r);
  if a[l] = k then
    exit(c + 1)
  else exit(c);

And now count can simply call count1:

function count(const a: array of integer; k: integer): integer;
  exit(count1(a, k, 0, high(a)));