Assignment 1: Super Mario Bros.

You can download our Java implementation of this game from the Git repository MarioAI. If you need help importing it into Eclipse, see the excellent slides that Jakub Gemrot wrote explaining how to do this.

The game generates each level randomly, so your agent might succeed on some randomly generated levels and fail on others. I will evaluate your agent on a series of levels generated in several configurations:

Your agent succeeds if it makes it to the end of each level, and fails otherwise. Its success rate is the fraction of randomly generated levels on which it succeeds.

This assignment is worth a total of 10 points. You can earn them as follows:

Do not forget that Mario can both jump and shoot! :)

For the tournament for this assignment we will use LEVEL_4_SPIKIES, which has hills, Goombas, pipes and Spikies. The winner will be the agent with the highest success rate. I will break ties by choosing the agent with the fastest time to finish all levels.