1. Write a program that reads a line containing a series of integers, and writes the largest of them.
using static System.Console; class Sum { static void Main() { int max = int.MinValue; foreach (string t in ReadLine().Split(' ')) max = Max(max, int.Parse(t)); WriteLine(max); } }
2. Write a program that simulates a series of people entering a room, each of whom is assigned a random birthday. Let N be the number of people present in the room when, for the first time, two people have the same birthday. Write the number N.
using static System.Console; class Birthday { static void Main() { Random r = new Random(); bool[] seen = new bool[366]; int n = 1; while (true) { int birthday = r.Next(366); if (seen[birthday]) break; seen[birthday] = true; n += 1; } WriteLine(n); } }